Generous giving is an integral part of Christian discipleship. The apostle Paul says that giving is a primary responsibility for Christians: ‘But since you excel in everything – in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in the love we have kindled in you – see that you also excel in this grace of giving’ 2 Cor 8:7
There are are several ways you can give to the church and giving can be a regular thing, or simply a one off.
Planned Giving: The Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) is the best way to give regularly as it enables us to budget effectively. It is easy for you, and saves work for us. The scheme collects your regular donations by Direct Debit as well as claiming any Gift Aid. Please go to the PGS HERE to set up a direct debit. You can find us under the church name, or by using our unique code 050605118. You can also call PGS directly to set up payments on 0333 002 1271, and quote our code when you call. There are leaflets in the church foyer where you can read more about the scheme and also fill out and sign a paper Direct Debit instruction.

For one off donations online using a debit card, credit card, Google Pay or Apple Page, click HERE and follow the instructions on screen. You may need to search for the church by name or by using the code above.
You can also pay by card in church using our card reader situated in the foyer. Ask a member of the Welcome Team, a Church Warden or our treasurer if you need help with this.
If you prefer to donated with cash simply grab a small brown donation envelope, near the back of church, fill in the details and pop it into the brown wooden donation box. Alternatively you can hand it to a Church Warden or the Treasurer.

Legacy Giving: Each year around 4,000 people leave a gift in their will to a Church of England parish. These gifts go towards financing mission projects, maintaining beautiful church buildings and to help grow faithful communities.
For many people leaving a gift in their will is a final opportunity to make a lasting gift to God and make a lasting difference to the future of their church and community.
A charitable legacy is a gift of money, property or an item left to an organisation in a will. Please speak to our Treasurer or Vicar if you would like to discuss legacy giving.
Where will my donation go?
If you would like to donate to a specific area of the church, such as children’s work or maintenance, you can. Simply make sure this is referenced on the bank payment (if paying via your bank) or is written on the envelope if you give cash. Alternative contact our treasurer and let them know.
If you do not stipulate where you want your donation to go, we will use it as follows:
> Supporting our mission partners such as the Bristol North West Foodbank, Make Lunch and more.
> Employing our paid ministry staff, including our administrator, children & families minister and cleaner.
> Towards the upkeep of our amazing church buildings, including bills and utilities, cleaning, repair costs, etc.
> Spreading the word of God throughout our church and community, in word and deed. This includes weddings, funerals, baptisms, pastoral care, home visits, school visits, mental health support and more.