St Edyth’s has supported the Bristol North West Foodbank for a number of years. Acting as a HUB for the charity, we collect donated food and supplies and help to promote any special appeals, such as Harvest and Christmas.
The Bristol North West Foodbank is a Christian Charity, affiliated to the Trussell Trust network of over 430 Foodbanks across the UK. There are five Bristol outlets that provide access to food support in Avonmouth, Severn Beach, Henbury, Hotwells and Lawrence Weston. Their main HUB in Avonmouth houses their office and warehouse, and their growing services including a Homebank, free advice appointments, cookery courses, support for the homeless and woodworking workshop.
To read more about the Foodbank and the work they do, or for information on how you can volunteer, donate or receive support yourself, visit their website by clicking HERE. You are able to drop off a food and supplies donation anytime during office hours.
Bristol North West Foodbank & Homebank
Social Justice Hub
St. Andrew’s Church
Avonmouth Road
Bristol BS11 9EN
Tel: 0117 923 5343 Email: office@bristolnwfoodbank.org.uk